Allen Carr is a man whose name is known to many smokers and drinkers. He is the one who, after smoking, gave up the habit after thirty years of experience and wrote the book "Easy Ways to Quit Smoking". This best-selling book has been translated into many languages, moreover, people are actually quitting smoking, restoring health and saving money. Therefore, there is no reason not to re-read the work written by Allen Carr so that we stop drinking and start a new life.
About this book
Basically, the whole book by Allen Carr is aimed at eliminating delusions, difficulties and showing that you can stop drinking without experiencing deep depression and without seeing a doctor. Demonstrating the effectiveness of the technique, the author does not limit his readers, on the contrary, suggests the option of leaving habits that are appropriate for everyone, without exception, regardless of experience, gender and age.
For special skeptics, it should be noted that the simple method is appreciated by specialists: Alain Carr is known by doctors, he has his own network of clinics where specialists help people stop drinking. This method is successfully performed in many countries of the world, there are indicators and achievement statistics.
So what book? According to the author, it is easy to stop drinking - this is a fact. This method has been tried, tested and perfected for over a year. The main thing is to follow the rules described in the work and follow all the instructions. Of course, for a drunkard or a family with a sick person, it is difficult to believe in the results. The patient makes an appeal like this:
- There is no easy way to quit smoking, drinking, otherwise everyone has quit for a long time.
- If simple, it will not work.
- Anything that doesn’t need money is bait for the average person, and then a lot of investment will be needed.
But Alain Carr says his method is suitable for any kind of dependency. The advantage of an uneducated person is that he does not impose his principles on anyone, does not demand anything, just asks to read a book and quits.

Basic book rules:
- The effectiveness of simple methods does not require proof. Many examples can be cited: as soon as a person goes to the dentist, the toothache miraculously disappears. The more serious the problem, the better the patient is when he or she finds the easiest and easiest way out. When the question of money tortures you, you get a loan, solve all the problems and then give the money to the bank - and here it is: you just have to start the road to get rid of the addiction and even the person who drinks the most will recover.
- Be patient. You have to be as patient as possible, because you have to follow the rules explained by Allen Carr. There is an easy way to stop drinking, but it must be passed.
- You can only start reading in a good mood. You can not read those pages if you are frustrated, worried about how to quickly get rid of alcohol addiction, or angry with your partner who flipped through a book - nothing good from that reading. Treat opus like a detective story, where the events being told have nothing to do with you - an entertaining read, nothing more.
- You just have to think positively. Get rid of all negative emotions, try to focus on the best memory and everything will work out.
- Do not stop drinking until you read the last page. Of course, if you are already undergoing recovery, you should not start drinking. But you should not drop a glass of regular brandy until you have finished reading.
- Reading must be conscious! That is, you can drink, but only after you have completed the reading process for today.
- Being open to new ideas is the hardest part. Nothing forces you to make a quick decision, but doubts about what is written will also not make you happy. Read, pay attention to everything that is explained, with kindness.

Here are some simple rules to follow. But before that, you have to answer a few questions yourself:
- Are you an alcoholic? It's hard to admit it. References to mentality, habits, traditions, stress - all are taken into account, except in conclusion - alcoholics. Of course, people who drink alcohol and are drunk on alcohol are different personalities. It can be determined simply: how often do you drink? If more often than once a day, then the sad result, you are addicted, it is time to act.
- How often do you control your alcohol intake? And here we are not talking about "how much they pour", but about what dosage you need to acquire a state of freedom, separation and lightness.
- Do you experience memory loss after the party?
- Can you say no to a drink offer?
- Do you think everyone drinks their drink slowly?
This must also be answered. The process of changing liquor drinkers is not as obvious to others as yourself. That is why it is important to answer the question as honestly as possible and admit defeat in front of a bottle of drink.
Stop drinking method
Without reading a book, you can not rely on this method - this is just a quote. To stop drinking, Allen Carr recounts all the emotions, drawing up possible traps and statements of people who have already refused a drink. This will empower the reader, allow them to see the world in a different way, and pay attention to things that are more valuable than alcohol in a bottle or glass. Here’s how to stop drinking quickly and easily:

- Stop thinking that you "stopped drinking. " This is a ruin. It is better to think about the fact that the drunk is coming, there is no need to spend money on drinks, listen to drunken employee discussions and so on.
- Do not question your decision. If you quit, then quit - this is the law. Regardless of the fact that the birthday of the couple or the corporate party at the company, the name of the boss, mother-in-law or children is coming - you will not drink. If you want to drink, then you want to be destroyed - alcohol always leads to the loss of human dignity. Need to drink a little, when rejection is already formed in the brain, the person becomes more unhappy: "I can not stand, I can not" - this is a very devastating.
- There is no need to constantly avoid the realization that there will be no more alcohol. It’s hard not to think about what was part of your previous life. Need to be given an example: we each fall in love so much that he can not imagine life, but there is no reciprocity. So, day by day, there is only one thought in my head - how is life now? Time passes, everything is forgotten, and after a month (for everyone in a different way) there is no more trace of gravity, life is beautiful again. The same goes for rejecting alcohol - time will pass and these thoughts will leave you alone.
- Ready to go to war. In the most difficult first days, a horrible change occurs in a person: an organism accustomed to a dose of alcohol will not be able to quickly refuse to accept doping. But here you can think of the flu: unpleasant, painful, frightening and with a high fever, sweat and brittleness - but it passes! After 5-7 days, the patient recovers if he or she follows all the doctor's recommendations. With the rejection of alcohol, it is the same - everyone will be able to recover, as long as they do not deviate from what was planned.
- Don't worry if you forget you have stopped drinking. It’s like with a car: in the new one everything “doesn’t fit”, so you have to get used to it! You also need to get used to the failure situation. This will be a control not to start drinking again, but this is easy enough if the decision to stop self-destruction has already been made.
- No need to wait for the right moment - stop drinking now. Literally this is very minute. No need to imagine “a lifetime without alcohol” - one day full of quiet joy is enough, and another, a third. All life consists of them. Don’t make long-term plans: I’ll stop and that’s all. Drop it.
- Everyone has a bad day. People who drink it experience it no more and no easier than people who do not drink it. But if the latter can assess the situation calmly, then the former also does not get this pleasure. As the saying goes: "vodka runs out, but there is no problem. " A bad day at work or at home is not a reason to drink.
- Controlling the desire to drink is a natural thing for a person. Desire does not control you, but you control it. Here, like a jump from a bridge - no one will jump "maybe" and "once".
- Do not mourn the loss of your habit with bitterness - life will heal any wounds.
- Do not force your friend to stop drinking with you. This is an easy way, but this is just for you.
- Do not change your life to be rejected. Go to restaurants, cafes, but without alcohol. It is actually simple, but it is nice to see respect in the eyes of a colleague who will understand that you have completely given up drinking habits!
- Do not replace alcohol with caffeine, energy drinks or other medications - this will not add to happiness, but new addictions will emerge.

Change the things you don't like in your life - that's possible. If you want to read to stop drinking, go back to the people you once experienced, A. Carr’s book is perfect. Written very simply, without magnificent word forms and guidance. The main thing is that this book provides relevance, explains every step and emotion that an alcoholic has to go through, and then it will be time for one to let go of the habit of destruction and stop drinking.